- The ARGUS-IS can view an area of 15 sq/miles in a single image
- Its zoom capability can detect an object as small as 6in on the ground
- Developed by BAE as part of a $18million DARPA project
- System works by stringing together 368 digital camera chips
A sinister airborne surveillance camera gives the U.S. military the ability to track movements in an entire city like a real-time Google Street View.
The ARGUS-IS array can be mounted on unmanned drones to capture an area of 15 sq/miles in an incredible 1,800MP - that's 225 times more sensitive than an iPhone camera.
From 17,500ft the remarkable surveillance system can capture objects as small as 6in on the ground and allows commanders to track movements across an entire battlefield in real time.
Beat that, Google: An image taken from 17,500ft
by the U.S. military's ARGUS-IS array, which can capture 1,800MP
zoomable video feeds of an entire medium-sized city in real time
'It is important for the public to know that some of these capabilities exist,' said Yiannis Antoniades, the BAE engineer who designed the system, in a recent PBS broadcast.
The aerospace and weapons company developed the ARGUS-IS array as part of a $18.5million project funded by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa).
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